Ford’s plug-in hybrid Ranger pickup will offer feature to power work tools

The Pro Power Onboard feature allows users to plug-in tools to cancel the need for a generator in locations without power and delivers power from two outlets in the load box.
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Ford’s plug-in hybrid Ranger pickup will offer feature to power work tools

Ford’s New PHEV Ranger Pickup: A Workhorse with Extra Power


In the ever-evolving automotive world, Ford has made a remarkable leap with its latest innovation—the PHEV Ranger Pickup. This hybrid vehicle is not just a robust utility vehicle but also a powerhouse for work tools, thanks to its unique battery feature. Let’s dive into what makes this new Ranger model a game-changer for vehicle owners and enthusiasts alike.

The Powerhouse on Wheels

Versatile Hybrid Technology

Ford’s PHEV Ranger Pickup is a pioneering model that integrates plug-in hybrid technology, offering the best of both worlds: fuel efficiency and enhanced power. Here’s why hybrid technology is crucial:

  • Fuel Efficiency: Utilizes both an internal combustion engine and an electric motor to reduce fuel consumption.
  • Lower Emissions: Significantly reduces carbon emissions compared to traditional vehicles.
  • Extended Range: Combined power sources provide a longer driving range, crucial for long hauls.

The hybrid system ensures that you get optimal performance without compromising on the utility and ruggedness that Ford Rangers are known for.

Empowering Work Tools

What sets the PHEV Ranger apart from its competitors is the capability to power work tools



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