Italy seeks early review of EU’s 2035 combustion engine ban

Italy's Industry Minister Adolfo Urso said an assessment on the progress to meet the 2035 ban, currently due in 2026, should instead take place at the beginning of next year.
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Italy seeks early review of EU’s 2035 combustion engine ban

Italy Calls for Reversal of Europe’s 2035 ICE Ban: What This Means for Vehicle Owners


The automotive world is buzzing with Italy’s recent call to reverse Europe’s 2035 ban on internal combustion engines (ICE). As the proposed deadline approaches, this move has raised significant questions and concerns among vehicle owners. What prompted Italy’s stance, and what does it mean for car enthusiasts and everyday drivers?

Italy’s Stance on the ICE Ban

Italy has been vocal about its concerns regarding Europe’s ambitious plan to phase out internal combustion engines by 2035. The reasons behind this call for reversal are multifaceted:

  • Economic Impact: Italy argues that banning ICE vehicles could have detrimental effects on their automotive industry, which is a significant pillar of the country’s economy.
  • Technological Readiness: The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) and renewable energy sources may not be as swift and seamless as anticipated. Italy suggests that more time is needed to develop infrastructure and technology fully.
  • Consumer Choice: There is also the question of consumer readiness and freedom. Italy highlights the importance of allowing consumers to make their own choices in terms of vehicle technology.



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