BMW recalls Mini Cooper SE electric models over battery glitch

Problems in the Mini Cooper SE's battery system can lead to overheating, BMW said.

BMW recalls Mini Cooper SE electric models over battery glitch

Global Recall of Mini Cooper SE Electric Cars: What You Need to Know


In a surprising turn of events, Mini Cooper SE Electric cars are facing a global recall. Owners of these popular electric vehicles need to stay informed about what this recall entails and how it might affect them. This article will dive deep into the reasons behind the recall, the steps involved, and what comes next for Mini Cooper SE owners.

Why the Recall Happened

The recall of the Mini Cooper SE Electric cars has been initiated due to potential safety issues identified in the vehicles. Here’s a breakdown of the main reasons:

  • Battery Issues: Potential defects in the battery management system (BMS) that could lead to performance issues or even safety hazards.
  • Software Glitches: Several owners have reported software-related glitches affecting the car’s operations.
  • Safety Concerns: Some units showed vulnerabilities in crash protection, prompting the need for immediate corrective action.

This decision was made following internal investigations and feedback from users. Manufacturers want to ensure the highest safety standards and trustworthiness of their vehicles.

Steps to Take if You Own a Mini Cooper SE

If you are an owner of a Mini Cooper SE Electric car, here’s what you should



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