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STMicro cuts full-year outlook for second time

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STMicroelectronics cut its full-year revenue and margins guidance for a second time this year on weak industrial orders and lower demand for automotive semiconductors.
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STMicro cuts full-year outlook for second time

Impact of Chip Shortage on the Auto Industry


The persistent chip shortage has been making headlines across various industries. One of the sectors most severely impacted is the automotive industry. Recently, STMicroelectronics, a major player in the semiconductor space, announced a reduction in its annual outlook due to weak orders and low chip demand. This development underscores the ongoing challenges within the automotive supply chain, affecting manufacturers and consumers alike.

Understanding the Chip Shortage

The global chip shortage has disrupted production across industries, and the automotive sector is no exception. Here’s a closer look at why this issue persists:

  • Pandemic Disruptions: The COVID-19 pandemic led to factory shutdowns and logistical hurdles, restricting the supply of essential components, including semiconductors.
  • Increased Demand: With the rise in remote work and digital transformation, demand for electronic devices surged, diverting chip supplies away from automakers.
  • Complex Manufacturing Process: Producing semiconductors is a time-intensive process. The lead time for chip manufacturing can extend up to six months, making quick recovery challenging.

For vehicle owners and car manufacturers, this imbalance in supply and demand results in delays



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